Reconnect with Yourself, Your Feminine Energy and the Rhythms of the Natural World.  

Be the first to know when "Moving with the Moon" opens for enrollment

There is no greater power than that of the sun, the moon, and a woman who knows her worth.

- Nicole Lyons -

Can you relate to the following?

  • You’re tired of feeling the pressure of society that often tells you, as a woman, you need to be constantly running, going, pushing and doing more.  
  • You’re over this idea of hustling that has become synonymous with success, fulfillment and being proactive.  
  • You feel a constant nagging feeling that you “should” be completing tasks, getting things done, checking things off your to-do list.  
  • You feel like your always on the move and rushing around, but not necessarily making a lot of progress or feeling fulfilled
  • You know in your heart that continuing to keep up with this pace will eventually lead to burn out, exhaustion, or even illness if you don't make a change.  
  • You’re craving a more sustainable and natural way of moving through your days.  

You’re not alone. We live in a culture that turns women away from our bodies and away from actively listening to our intuition and understanding our needs. But we ignore those needs at the expense of our well-being.  

I’m here to tell you there’s another way.  

And, it starts with self care…. but not in the way you might think.  

Self-care is not just about taking really great baths that you can post on Instagram (and to my fellow millennials: the answer is yes, I totally do this. I love a good bath! #forthegram).  

It’s about having rituals and practices in place that mimic the rhythms of the natural world. When you follow the natural ebb and flow of energetic highs versus times of deep rest, the risk of burn out or exhaustion becomes a distant memory.  

Let me explain what I mean…  

Can you imagine… when you align with the natural world, you gain the skill of looking inward to see what you really need, to see what's nurturing your body and your mind, so that you can act from a place of fullness, rather than a place where you're exhausted, overwhelmed or lacking resources. You begin to become more intentional in how you move through life within these flowing rhythms and how you engage with everything you do and the result is that everything's not so rushed.

Nature never rushes, yet everything of importance always gets accomplished.  

I want to encourage you to join our revolution in radical self-care.  

I want to encourage you to reframe how you look at success, embrace the process as integral to the outcome of what you do. Because if you're running yourself down, it really doesn't matter what the outcome is, because you'll be really unhappy or excessively tired or unfulfilled.  

Self care is to move away from what what we're "accomplishing" and really focus on who we are and who we're becoming, which is deeply connected to taking care of yourself, mothering yourself, and learning, what do I need to thrive?  

The Importance of Natural Rhythyms  

Embracing the rhythms of nature is has been a foundation of human wellbeing for thousands of generations. The wisdom of our ancestors and nature can help you find balance, harmony and energy renewal amidst the hectic bustle of everyday pressures and deadlines. Learn how to integrate the intelligence of the natural world in all of it's ebbs and flows of energy within the comfortable sanctuary of your own home.  

MOVING WITH THE MOON will guide you through practices that ride these ebbs and flows of energy. The physical practices will include not just the high energy, sweaty yoga that has become synonymous with health in our society. During the natural low energy times during the lunar cycle, Ally will guide you through systematic methods of complete relaxation, holistically addressing physiological, neurological, and subconscious needs leaving you feeling resting and rejuvenated. 

About Your Guide

Ally Boothroyd is a yoga educator and meditation teacher with a passion for yoga nidra and the healing power of conscious rest. Over the years, she has helped hundreds of people to calm, balance and restore their nervous systems. She teaches tools for reversing exhaustion, stress and overwhelm and helps people reconnect to their sensitive biorhythms and the natural world. She is the founder of Sarovara Yoga, a yoga space and women's retreat centre in Ontario, Canada. A sanctuary on the water where she fosters local community and supports health, personal growth, emotional resiliancy, authenticity, awareness, and awakening. Ally is dedicated to inspiring depth, creativity, and joy by sharing the most potent tools from a variety of yogic traditions. She brings an openhearted, inclusive view to her teachings, which are a rich blend of Kripalu Yoga along with Classical Hatha Tantra, Yoga Psychology, Yoga Nidra, Integrative Restoration, Amrita Living Yoga, Energy Medicine, and Ancient Avalonion Priestess Ritual & Ceremony. Ally's path has been one of healing and relief from anxiety, panic attacks and insomnia through the ancient science of yoga. She studies and teaches the full 8 limbed path of this potent practice and she weaves in a systematic method of complete relaxation, holistically addressing physiological, neurological, and subconscious needs leaving practioners feeling resting and rejuvenated. She believes that we must have a vareity of tools that sooth and unwind the nervous system which is the foundation of the body’s well-being. Her life's work is to help people to connect to, restore and renew all levels of their being.

Be the first to know when Moving with the Moon opens for enrollment

Experience the Natural Rhythyms 

Embracing the rythyms of nature is has been a foundation of human wellbeing for thousands of generations. The wisdom of our ancestors and nature can help you find balance, harmony and energy renewal amidst the hectic bustle of everyday pressures and deadlines. Learn how to integrate the intelligence of the natural world in all of it's ebbs and flows of energy within the comfortable sanctuary of your own home.

The Dark Moon The new moon phase is seldom embraced in our fast paced society. Learn to skillfully navigate this time of turning inward and deep rest and rejuvenation. Turn towards the introspection, the stillness, the emptying out, the fertile void. By embracing the dark moon and moving into stillness as the heart and soul of yoga, notice the potent benifets that can balance and calm the nervous system, reverse exhaustion and promote self love, healing and balance. This deep rest gives rise to rebirth and renewed energy.  

The First Quarter The waxing quarter is the phase of taking action. You can think of it as the time of moving forward, of laying out the groudwork. The energy is building and things are starting to happen. As the energy increases we begin to move back out into the external world. The moon is equal light and dark as we move toward full illumination. The energy is consistently getting stronger and we are being called into action. Life is on the move within this phase and the song of increase is strong within all of nature. Learn how to actively navigate this phase during each lunar cycle and watch how much can be accomplished.  

The Full Moon The full moon is the most powerful phase of the lunar cycle. The full blossoming. The full illumination. The peak of the first harvest. The most potent energy in our natural biorythyms. You can think of it as the time of fruition. It's a powerful time to cultivate the internal states that you'd like to see thrive within your own internal landscape and energetic expression. It's also a time of giving thanks and celebration. A sacred pause. Gratitute for all the gifts that have been bestowed. Learn how the practice of giving thanks during this phase during each lunar cycle can transform your life in the most beautiful ways. 

Third Quarter The last quarter is the phase of preparing for rest and the hibernation that comes within the heart of winter. You can think of it as the time tying up loose ends and finishing projects. We begin to turn inward and evaluate what is happening within the internal realms. Rituals that help us to slow down are one of the most powerful tools to help us mark important thersholds in our lives, to heal and integrate what's happening in the extrernal world. This phase can be a potent time to work with the subconscoius with recognizing beliefs and patterns that might be holding us back. There's a willingness to shift perspective and to let go and cleanse what might not be serving us in our lives. Learn how to consciously navigate this phase during each lunar cycle and watch how powerful healing can occur.  

The Crescent Moon The waxing crescent is the phase of new beginnings and welcoming the light back. You can think of it as the time of germination. Planting Seeds. Sprouts beginning to push up. This phase can be a potent time to work with the subconscoius with setting intentions and starting new projects, There's a motivation to move back out into the world from the place of deep rest. Learn how to consciously navigate this phase during each lunar cycle and watch how beautifully things in your world can unfold.

The Waxing Gibbous The waxing gibbous is the phase of refinement. The word gibbous means "that which has a swelling" such as a pregnant belly or a flower bud about to burst into the full flowering phase. Momentum and energy are truly building. Aligning with trust is a powerful practice at this time. Trusting the process, trusting the universe, trusting life. The moon is more light than dark as energy continues to increase moving toward the full illumination. Learn how to actively invite trust in this phase during each lunar cycle and watch how this practice can foster so much contentment.  

The Waning Gibbous The disseminating moon. (that which gives it's seed) You can think of this phase as sharing the bounty that comes with the first harvest. Offering up and celebrating abundance. Rituals and gleaning wisdom are one of the most powerful tools to cultivate in this phase. Sharing and reflecting on teachings and lessons that have been learned. The light begins to fade again as does the energy in the natural cycle, like the first hints of autumn in the air. Energy is in the natural system is still quite potent but it's time to think about gearing down as the moon heads into it's waning phase. Learn how to skillfully embrace slowing down during this phase in each lunar cycle and watch how therapuedic it is for all layers of your being.  

The Waning Crescent The balsamic moon (that which sooths us) which reminds us that in the darkness, we are healed. Embracing the dark moon, moving into stillness as the heart and soul of yoga. It's time to recuporate and rest. It's time to balance and calm the nervous system. The waning crescent is the phase of moving into the slow lane. You can think of it as the time of seeds dispersing and conclusion. It's a time of really letting go and emptying out. It's ok to feel empty sometimes, welcoming it can be incredibly therapuedic. Embracing the place of deep rest with open arms. Learn how navigate this phase during each lunar cycle and watch how restored and energized you can feel as you move into the next lunar month. 

Reflect, connect and align with the sensitive biorhythms of nature, the lunar cycle, the ancient wisdom of the seasons and see how this integration with the natural world can transform your mind, body, energy and spirit. 

Join the Feminine Revolution 

What you'll receive 

8 weeks worth of live and pre-recorded content from Ally and other leading teachers in the field.

Chandra Namaskar

This course will include a Moon Salutation Yoga Class for each of the 8 phases of the moon that we will be moving through together. These yoga classes will integrate the themes and energy output appropriate for each phase of the cycle. There will also be bonus mini yoga practices for each phase as well. 

Restorative Yoga  

Restorative yoga is slow and contemplative, using the support of props we exert as little effort as possible and move into a place of deep rest. These yoga practices will be enphasized more during the darker moon phases during each lunar cycle. You can think of restorative yoga as "yoga for the health of the nervous system" 

Yoga Nidra  

 Literally, nidra means ‘sleep’ but refers to a type of ‘sleep’ with full awareness that is internalized. The body sleeps but the mind remains awake listening to the instructions. Yoga nidra uniquely unwinds the nervous system which is the foundation of the body’s well-being. Yoga nidra invites you to move into stillness as the heart and soul of yoga. It balances and calms the nervous system, reverses exhaustion and leaves you feeling resting and rejuvenated. 

Medicine Wheel Lessons

Learn about the elements, the directions, the seasons and the lunar cycle as taught from a ancient celtic lineage. Learn how to work with these elements within your own body and maya koshas (layers of the self) Including through yoga, pranayama, meditation, ayurveda, reading material, self-inquiry, prayers, rituals, mantras, oil and moon bath recipes, and much more.

Rituals and Practices to Re-enchant you with the Magic of the Moon. 

Rituals are one of the most powerful tools to help us mark important thersholds in our lives, to heal and integrate what's happening in our external lives. Learn to use sacred tools: nature, the elements, ritual & ayurvedic practices in the daily and monthly routines.

Guest Interviews

Bonus Content Interviews with Ally and a variety of special guests including renouned yoga psychology teacher Ashley Turner, ayurvedic doctor, Tiffany Nicholson-Smith, hypnotherapist and yoga educator Tiina Kivenin and more. These interviews are overflowing with knowledge, skills & tools to empower the feminine and integrate natural rhythms in the modern day.

The repression of the feminine has led to a planet on the edge of collapse. The re-emergence is going to be a dance to behold.

- Clare Dakin -

Reflections from Our Community 

“Ally's Yoga classes inspire a depth of connection like no other. What she brings to the practice is a meeting of the many dimensions of ourselves; mind, body, psyche, spirit, and emotions, all held in a container of ritual and sacred space. Ally has enhanced my life, as the co-director of our 200 hr Yoga Teacher Training, with her skilled leadership and inspired way of being. What she offers is just what the world needs; space and time to deeply restore wholeness, connection, and love.”  

- Tiina Kivinen, Amrita Living Yoga 1000RYT

“Ally is an incredible yoga educator, teacher trainer and retreat leader with years of experience. She has a gift that she so generously shares with the world and this incredible ability to infuse the deeper teachings of yoga and philosophy into her classes in a way that is relatable and understandable to the modern practitioner. Her classes are a beautiful blend of technical alignment, creative sequencing, interwoven themes and yoga philosophy, with each class intentionally curated to leave you feeling relaxed, refreshed, recharged and inspired. Her depth and insight, as well as her ability to create a safe and sacred space is what makes her classes so special. ”  

- Lindsay Vandenhurk, Discover Your Yoga 500RYT

“Ally’s love for yoga and the mind/body connection runs so very deep. She has a beautiful way of holding space for each life she embraces, and is constantly aspiring to learn how we as humans grow and heal. Her classes are enriched with meditation, mindfulness, asana for all body types, and an inspiring connection to the soul. I have always been so inspired by her passion and dedication to help each person explore and navigate through their own personal journey - always there to guide, nurture and support. Ally truly is a light in this world."  

- Kate Suhr, Amrita Yoga Teacher and graduate of Ally's 200 Hour YTT

Be the first to know when Moving with the Moon opens for enrollment